Friday, March 19, 2010

You found her

You found her anonymous. Well done. It is so unlike Sonnet to have all but disappeared and be limit herself to one site. She is usually so addicted to attention.

I wonder if her husband Peter knows of her faked suicide and her fantastical online life where she has often shared deeply personal information about their lives.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Where is Sonnet now?

Sonnet had not faked a suicide online before but I do know for a fact that she threw herself into any drama.   She especially enjoyed being the center of attention and she attempted to portray herself as the perfect package.  Dear self sacrificing Sonnet.  

She is following her usual M.O.  Typically Sonnet will dissappear then return as if nothing has happened.  

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Never far away

One thing about Sonnet is that she never really goes away.  Where will she turn up next?     

Saturday, February 6, 2010

More about Gwen

Gwen also claimed to have spent New Years Eve with both Sonnet and Pete. I feel that Gwen was actually Sonnet, who posted the message from Gwen because she had seen how much attention her Suicide post had got and wanted to make sure that people thought her suicide was actually real.

Heaping more grief onto people who were already hurting.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sonnet Says

Sonnet said her faked suicide was an idea that she came up with to stop a stalker.  Was it really or was it in reaction to her latest drama on the SE.  After her suicide was announced on her blog "Gwen" posted a comment.  Interestingly the focus of "Gwen's" message was what great parents Sonnet and Pete were.  

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Sonnet knows how the internet works, she knew that it would only take one person to check her blog before the news of her 'suicide' was all over the forums she was member of, in her case it was Ovusoft and the speakeasy.

She was a member of Ovusoft for over 7 years under the name sonnet_fitz, so as you can imagine there was quite a lot of people who knew her and would have been likely to read her blog.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Drama

Sonnet has a long history of stirring up trouble and being surrounded by drama. For years Sonnet surrounded herself with drama so she was able to be the center of attention. Her stories in hindsight were unbelievable but in isolation many people extended ongoing support to her and she accepted it.